Whew! (Wipes brow!)
Awesome! I let my boys come into the pile with me and put their hands near the "heat". They were amazed at how warm it was. They (and I!) are learning a lot!
Thank you all again!
Thank you for your suggestion.
I will look for a tarp the next time I get into the garage. (Might take a few days-it is supposed to be plenty cold for the next week or so, and I don't leave the house but to feed the chickens.)
Also--When I turned my pile today, I noticed almost like a...
I just started my first compost pile with chicken poo and straw. I have turned it once, but it REEKS! It doesn't smell like the typical ammonia smell. But, I feel bad because the wind might take that smell to the neighbors. :/
I tried searching to see if this is normal, but I didn't...
I just turned my pile a couple days ago. This is my first time composting (straw and chicken poo), and when I turned it, there was steam coming off of it, so I know it is cooking. We have since gotten a few inches of snow, so I am going to wait until the snow melts off the top (we are supposed...
I have a pile of straw and poo from my girls (and little dude), and I have been trying to keep it piled, but the girls keep going over and kicking it around, flattening it out. Every time I take straw out of the coop, I pile it back up there. Then the girls find it and have a field day. I try...
This is intriguing!
I have a pile of pruned chokecherry branches that I have yet to dispose of...I wonder if I should put them down after I dig down about a foot...hmmmm....
I apologize if this has been posted before, but I just came across this site, with several different types of supports and the advantages/disadvantanges.
Thanks for the heads up regarding hole size. I am planning on 6x6 inch holes. If I can't find netting to suit my needs, I will make my own. (Add another thing to the list, right??)
Oooh-after looking further into her (Catalina is her screen name on here) blog, she does have a tutorial on how to build it.. She uses t-stakes/posts as well. I might have to modify my design, since I don't have a pipe bender, but I will try to get photos of what I do come spring!
I did see that when I was searching. I dont have any livestock panels or t-posts, so I would have to purchase all of them as well, and a panel costs about 30 dollars right now. It looks like a great set up, but I am trying to get mine to grow up rather than out. The trellis I plan on making...
Sorry if these are out of order.
I understand the mulch, but I guess the water thing will have to be trial and error. My mother in love waters every day with a sprinkler, and she had 6 staked tomato plants and she ended up giving us many of hers. She also doesn't make paste or sauce.
I have...
Awesome, awesome, awesome. I knew you all would give me loads to digest!
Some points/answers:
~I am going to be ordering an organic sungold. I am not a raw tomato eater. My husband and 2 boys are, so that is why I am getting them. These seem to be the sweetest ones, so maybe I will try a...
Hi! I have been searching for the answer to my questions, and it has been exhausting! You are all full of knowledge, so I figure I would stop searching and start asking!
1. I am planning on planting 3 different varieties of tomatoes. (Amish Paste, Sun Gold Cherry, and Cherokee Purple) I am...