Yesterday. . .
Zukes and Pattypan squash. I can't believe those things are still going!
Oh, and weeds. :/
Dug up some beds to prep them for the winter garden. Onions and sugar peas were planted. Hopefully I'll do more next weekend.
Cub - That's AWESOME!!! I think that community gardens are such an asset in so many ways and it's great to see what you're doing there in Detroit. How many folks do you have involved so far? Have you seen any change in the community yet? I look forward to seeing your updates!
I'm also...
OK, this is my first year with pole beans and since they're still waiting to produce anything of significance, I can't give a fully informed answer.
Here in So. Cal, we planted bush beans (Green: Contender & Jade, plus a yellow - Golden Rod) and have found a wide variance between the...
Aint that the truth, Silkie Chicken! I was just up your way on vacation (Lake Connor) and was so surprised at how late things are. I'm used to being up there in mid-July and being able to pick blackberries. In early August, at most places there were only teeny, tiny green berries or were even...
Wow, ML! That's a LOT of 'maters!
I have the Anna Russian growing here and will agree with you that it is one wispy plant. I've never had a tomato like it that pretty much has no stem strength of it's own. Containing it is fun. :P I just picked my first one the other day and look forward...
It would depend on where you live and how long you have before your cool season sets in.
Both varieties will produce for 6 - 8 weeks.
The Blue Lake matures earlier - abt. 58 days.
The KY Wonder matures abt. 65 - 67 days.
So, if you planted now, you'd be looking at your first yield to arrive...
Thanks, Tutter, for stepping in to answer. I've been getting ready for a trip so I've not been online as often.
I'd give it a try, Blurose. The cayenne sprinkles can make it taste bad, which is one way to stop them. Another option is to make the area smell bad. The vinegar rags on a stick...
There's nothing like the first tomato!!! :D Congrats!
I picked green beans, which I could eat, plus some half eaten tomatoes than the garden critters got to first. :thun I think it's time for more cayenne pepper sprinkles!
Here's a good website of information for growing hops:
If you scroll down part way, you'll see three trellising options. The middle one is what I've seen the commercial growers use in Eastern Washington. Note the difference between the height of the person...
Yesterday at the church - Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers (both hot and sweet), green beans (lots of 'em), and tons of Persian cucumbers. I only kept 3 of the cucumbers for myself and turned the rest in for distribution.
Today at home - tomatoes, green beans, fresh basil, and my first two Zukes...
That sounds pretty darn good to me, Pat! You must get enough rain where you are to provide them with what you need. Living in So. Cal, I'm still trying to figure out the needs of the garlic here. I have no idea what I planted as they were given to me by a family member who has grown them for...
LOLOLOLOL. You really started a Backyard Cows site??? :lol: Good grief. If that's that happened to the 2007 April Fools, what the heck are you going to start with the 2008 April Fools? Maybe I don't wanna know. . . . . :lol:
Actually, I disagree! :D I think it's quite exciting to use what one has to the greatest ability. I'm going to try this tea stuff. And, I'm glad to know that'll be good in my compost pile as well!
Can someone please explain the concept of cover cropping?
Are you letting them get to the point where you have something to harvest? Or, are you plowing them under before that point? I seem to recall Oakland saying something about cutting them back and planting amongst them.
Is there a good...
Yeahhhh! Good to "see" ya! I love the Sun Golds. I planted those last year and LOVED them. They were soooo sweet and tasty. Living in So. Cal, I was harvesting Sun Golds until February this year! I didn't plant any this year, but I'll be sure to plant some again next year. Did you...
No, you don't have to buy one. If Oakland wanders by, he has one that he recommended to me. It involves onions, peppers, garlic, and soap. I used Dr. Bronners for mine.
Tell me more, Tutter! How have you used the chamomile tea? How has it worked for you?
The site above said that it's high in sulfur. It'd be interesting to experiment with it if there's any chance it'd work. :)
Hi Dace. It has been a cooler season lately, hasn't it? I can't believe that it's mid-July and it's actually drizzly today! Where are you in So. Cal? I'm assuming you're near the coast like I am. Depending on where you are in So. Cal, it's probable that you'll be able to plant another round...