Tuesday at 3:39 PM Thread starter #41 secuono Garden Master Joined Jun 1, 2011 Messages 2,347 Reaction score 2,401 Points 317 Location VA Now to wait n see if it fully froze or not...
Saturday at 7:54 AM Thread starter #42 secuono Garden Master Joined Jun 1, 2011 Messages 2,347 Reaction score 2,401 Points 317 Location VA So....horses eat holly. fenced them off. 3 bags of topsoil, 3 bags of manure, and still need more to finish planting these! Then to move the rocks elsewhere.
So....horses eat holly. fenced them off. 3 bags of topsoil, 3 bags of manure, and still need more to finish planting these! Then to move the rocks elsewhere.
Saturday at 6:44 PM Thread starter #43 secuono Garden Master Joined Jun 1, 2011 Messages 2,347 Reaction score 2,401 Points 317 Location VA Got enough dirt for these darn holes!