
Broke Down Ranch

Deeply Rooted
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Central Texas
Joe, I tried ALL DAY to make this something of an embedded file but I'm not that good....lol. But anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!



Deeply Rooted
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
West Coast of Central FL- Z9
Greensage45 said:
Now by adding the Day, the Month, and This Year, we can determine your Personal Year

10/21/2009 = 6 This means Fertility!

It means starting right now, up until your next birthday, everything you touch will become fertile!

Think about it! Money grows, plants grow, people grow, everything grows. So be very careful where you put this gift! We needn't send it out to those that do not need Fertility (such as neighbors, pesky brats tearing out plants, etc.)

Don't waste such a Birthday Gift! Use it instead on only that which you Adore and Love! Tell Eby to be careful! We don't want any little joe's running around! :weee

Blessings to you in your Year of Fertility! (makes you want to shake his hand or give him a big hugg!)

I am looking for my lottery numbers! LOL :p


Well Ron I like this math! You are on to something here!

Everyday since my birthday I have had work! :bow

Today I was doing a job and this little fella stopped to say hello.
Never have I seen one stop and say Hi.



You can see the leg Id on him.
I took a few pictures and told him to get under way or he will lose the race.


Had to share that!


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score

I started doing numerology in 1993. I was laid up with 3 broken ribs (from an assault that day) and heard a knock at the door! I answered and this 'witchy' woman was standing there asking why the police were at my door. (she really was a witch!) She said that as soon as she saw the cops she knew she had to come over and speak to me.

She first began by going through my apartment (I was living in San Antonio), she looked through my kitchen cabinets and asked if there was anything I didn't need LOL. She noticed I had some clear glass plates and asked if she could have them. I thought I was dreaming! I really did. I told her to take what ever she wanted, at that point in my life I was not feeling good at all. My world had just shattered and I really did not see an out at all! She took them and returned each day as I recovered and began to talk to me about people, energies, and why things happen. Six months later she was gone!

Of course it took me longer to start working out what it was she spoke about, but every word struck a chord with me. It was a few years later that I began working a job as Nursing Assistant at a Hospital in El Paso, Texas. That is when I put my talent of asking questions to use. I thought to myself, here is a valuable resource of people with birthdates and I get to ask them questions about their lives, so I did just that. I spent three years there and I asked everyone (after mentally reviewing their birthdates) to tell me about their lives, their dreams, their influences and other such things. Most folks didn't realize I was actually doing personal research and most actually enjoyed the company.

This is when I finally began to read numbers. Now when I see a date or a series of numbers like an address and such I get sort of like a message. Often it reads evenly, sometimes it flows, but then there are those moments when the numbers sort of conflict. It is like a contradiction in terms sort of thing.

So often I ask "are you a happy person?" "are you following your dreams?" that sort of thing, because I believe these 'conflicts' with the numbers are sort of like the learning tools of life. Some folks have lots of conflicting energies, some folks don't; I guess there is never a rhyme or reason.

At any rate, before I expose your 'dirty Laundry' for all to see; would you care for me to write you via email? :lol:


The most important thing to know is that Life is a Song; it is just how you sing it! In other words 'Choice' has always been our gift! We choose to be who we are, it is all very simple really!



Deeply Rooted
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
West Coast of Central FL- Z9
Hey Beefy I want to wish you a happy birthday now, cause I won't make it awake another hour.

Wishing you the best and a great year!
