Well Ron I like this math! You are on to something here!Greensage45 said:Now by adding the Day, the Month, and This Year, we can determine your Personal Year
10/21/2009 = 6 This means Fertility!
It means starting right now, up until your next birthday, everything you touch will become fertile!
Think about it! Money grows, plants grow, people grow, everything grows. So be very careful where you put this gift! We needn't send it out to those that do not need Fertility (such as neighbors, pesky brats tearing out plants, etc.)
Don't waste such a Birthday Gift! Use it instead on only that which you Adore and Love! Tell Eby to be careful! We don't want any little joe's running around!
Blessings to you in your Year of Fertility! (makes you want to shake his hand or give him a big hugg!)
I am looking for my lottery numbers! LOL
10/27/1979Greensage45 said:You didn't give away the year! :coolsunbeefy said:cool Joe. mine is on the 27th.