Garden Master
There have been some very remarkable attitudes on the subject of hijacking TEG threads but I won't remark on them. NyBoy's attitude is commendable, however.
My first pet was a chicken my grandmother gave me. Warped my personality from the age of 4! She was a Golden Sebright bantam and I can remember my grandmother saying that see didn't know why the little hen didn't have barring.
She was pure gold and my grandmother was a Gold. That was my grandfather's family name. He had passed away by then and she had moved back to the the States from Canada. Grandma's friends and neighbors called her Goldie ... after we moved (with my chicken
) from my grandmother's home --- of course, I called the little hen Goldie. She lived for many years and, in time, we had Black Cochin bantams to keep her company.
My first pet was a chicken my grandmother gave me. Warped my personality from the age of 4! She was a Golden Sebright bantam and I can remember my grandmother saying that see didn't know why the little hen didn't have barring.
She was pure gold and my grandmother was a Gold. That was my grandfather's family name. He had passed away by then and she had moved back to the the States from Canada. Grandma's friends and neighbors called her Goldie ... after we moved (with my chicken