Garden Master
as any thread about chickens seems to make us ALL need to post, here's my $0.02.
Yes. This is all great information. Here's a sad story.
Chicks seemed so fragile
They are but my first chicks without benefit of a momma hen were quail, not chickens. I'd had the broodies and two flocks of adult/point of lay but never the full responsibility of 35 chicks.
It was a chilly spring day when I picked up these tiny quail at the post office. I was in a hurry to get them warm and had my brooder with heat lamp on. They were a tight tangle in the shipping box I set inside. I began pulling them apart. Stupidly!
I guess that I broke one chick's foot.
I hold them in my hand individually and dip their beak in the water. Don't drown them, just the tip of the beak is enough. That shows them where the water is
They make some specifically for baby chicks that have VERY small space for drinking out of. That way they can't fall in.
I don't know that he lived another day. It was a chick waterer but he fell in and drowned. That took care of that! ... but i have felt guilty about it for years.
Later flocks (no more quail!) were often day old chicks. I didn't break any feet! But, you are receiving these at a chilly time of the year. They may look like they are smothering each other. Get them into the warmth but allow them to adjust on their own. You can do the water training, later.
Handling for purposes of pet training is possible and fun. Keep in mind that if you have a pet, they won't be tiny chicks for long!