missed the first farm day but will be there the 12th.... I have a white silkie roo hatched last September to give away free to whomever wants, needs, likes him...
May 12th swap is supposed to be in the 70's. I'll be bringing the millie fleur 8 week old chicks, our barnyard mix of chicks & anything else we can catch to bring on down.
We also have baby goats for sale. If interested please pm or email me.
Wow Bob I would love some goats but haven't convinced DH that they would be a great investment...I got my Chickens and he got his motorcycle...how do I top that for goats????
Goats don't use gas and are more productive in shrub removal that a motorcycle. Plus if its a dairy goat they give milk, let's see a motorcycle do that one ...
heh, i keep joking with my dh about the goat thing. though he doesn't own a bike (but my dad owns 3!) i'm just lucky enough to have the time to take care of my chickies while trying to maintain one house while trying to fix up the other! the other house has plenty of scrub that they might enjoy nibbling away at.
here's hoping i can travel over that direction to see everything this weekend! i won't be selling anything since i'll have to head back to the 'other' house to finish working on my coop, then the kitchen, then the rooms that still need some cleaning and painting, and...and..... which is taking us forever to get completed!