dd needed anti-freeze for her car so we went down to the farmers market just to see if anyone was still selling watermelon sprouts, found one vendor that had crimson sweets he wanted 2.50 told him 1.50 since they were so sad looking he agreed.
come home and pulled the lettuce it was either starting to rot or bolting. guess lettuce is done till fall...
planted the crimson hope they make it...
speaking of melons we had visits last night and eat the melons i tossed.
so set up the game camera put on movie be interesting to see who is eating them..
the pole beans have sprouts..hope they produce... fingers crossed.
hopefully the rain holds off till tomorrow night might be able to get the cantaloupe in the ground...
pushed myself today<aka no excuse for procrastination> and tilled and planted the cantaloupes and pulled the armenian cucumbers they turned out to be a disappointment....
lost a couple more melons last night,so tossed them as well, did not get any visitors last night but did get a video of june bugs,the girls did find a fresh pile of poop out of camera view so moved it to get a better angle...
finished the cantaloupe as well hoed in some fertilizer and installed the soaker hose. picked a few eggplants as well.
fertilizer my poor little crimson sweet melons as well.....
How is your bean trellis constructed, Major? Bamboo teepees are the most economical for me to do, but I'm trying to come up with some way to use the bamboo in a straight line for easier picking. Need something that can stand up to high winds.
this time around it's 35' long 4' u-posts at either end and approximately every 10' driven into the ground with 1/2' conduit tried to them with 1/2"conduit between them and then 6' study stakes between them apx every foot and then tried them with twine in two spots.
it's quick and simple and easy to pick and very easy to tear down once they are done....
the key is to get the conduit and u-posts deep to handle the wind.
found the study stakes on sale on amazon.
I think I can make this work with what I've got. I have a lot of t-posts piled in a corner. I think I might even have some sections of metal conduit out there too. I use it to frame my row covers, but I have trouble getting it into the clay without using rebar stakes to anchor it.