Garden Master
We've been pecking off groundhogs since early summer. Still have one more out there lurking. They are hard on bean sprouts too. I don't dare plant any back there that I don't have plenty of seed for.
@Bluejay77 a question about your bush bean 'Candy', there seems to be two versions of it out in circulation, one a true bush the other a twining bush. I was given a sample (4) Candy a few years back and just got around to growing them this year, although only one or two beans per plant so far, they are a true bush bean. I suspect this is because the seed was old when it was given to me so I was lucky to even get them to germinate. A friend of mine grew Candy from another source this year but it grew as a twining bush, which one is the one you grew?
Here on Vancouver Island, we've broken the record for having the driest 3 months in recorded history (116) years, and they say we might be heading for the same next year. The heat here in June I've never seen in my lifetime and I've been around awhile. Water restrictions have made me thankful I had the sense to heavily mulch my bean beds before planting, this has been a lifesaver.
Piet Special has yielded a good number of beans from somewhat immature pods. Those in the most mature pods were damaged by recent rains so I am harvesting them a bit before they dry. There should be plenty left for me too to grow next year. However, I think this bean might prefer a drier summer than this one has been in Virginia.
Solwezi, has finally begun to set pods. I counted two so far. It is safe to say that this one will need a long season to reliably produce seed, but how long? I started them indoors so that will have impacted time to maturity. Either way I expect to get viable seed back to you in a few months Russ.