Garden Master
A question, when buying dry beans packaged for culinary use do you think they have been treated so they won't germinate. I've had trouble germinating these, out of a possible 20 only getting 3 to germinate. Just wondering.
my guess is harsh storage/processing conditions and perhaps even age...
i don't think so as it would have to pass FDA regulations as a food additive and for safety (not that i think these things are impossible to get through as i do read package labels, but still it would be an added expense and i don't think the bulk food business is a high margin one...)...
when i started growing bulk beans from a soup bean mix in 2011 i had germination issues from only a few of the beans and they were the chickpeas and the lentils. the rest all came through and i had an amazing crop (for the price of a few $ - note that it is always bad to win as a gambler the first time out
this pic is of the garden where most of them were planted that year, kinda chaotic/messy as i was redoing the edge and trying to remove the horsetail at the same time:

i took pictures of the results of that planting too, but haven't edited and posted a pic of that on-line, it was between 5 and 10lbs of seeds not counting what i sampled fresh (hard for me to resist any fresh bean in the garden).