Garden Master
busy days and busy nights. 
nice to be out today picking. also picked some yesterday and shelled some and then again tonight.
my favorite time of the season. presents to open from Momma Nature.

so far i have one Dappled Gray, more coming along but that one was ready so i was curious how it looked.
i haven't yet checked all the remaining locations. a long ways to go yet.
also so far i already have a few network beans picked plenty to meet the return seed goal, some shelled and other pods that weren't quite ready yet drying. Meraviglia di Venezia, Monteczuma Red, Purple Dove, Red Lima...
it is funny how certain bean varieties struggle here while others growing right next to them do just fine.
so much more to do...
nice to be out today picking. also picked some yesterday and shelled some and then again tonight.
my favorite time of the season. presents to open from Momma Nature.
so far i have one Dappled Gray, more coming along but that one was ready so i was curious how it looked.
also so far i already have a few network beans picked plenty to meet the return seed goal, some shelled and other pods that weren't quite ready yet drying. Meraviglia di Venezia, Monteczuma Red, Purple Dove, Red Lima...
it is funny how certain bean varieties struggle here while others growing right next to them do just fine.
so much more to do...