2019 Little Easy Bean Network - Come And Reawaken The Thrill Of Discovery


Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
Tomorrow will probably plant beans around my house. South flower bed below will have a few tomatoes this year and less beans. 40 x 4 feet.

Back yard Bean Nursery of Two small plots one 12 x 24 feet and the second one 12 x 16 feet. Just got done mowing the lawn what's left of it in the backyard. So looks fairly clean and manicured. This plot will have 10 rows 28 inches apart. The smaller plot will have 7 rows. Two varieties per row. Each variety gets half the row. Several years ago I had landscapers remove all the sod from these growing areas. Dig out one foot deep of clay and fill with top soil. These beans couldn't have a nicer place to grow with a foot deep of soil.
28 x 12

12 x 16

My backyard flower bed 2 x 23 usually has pole beans planted the length of it but this year my two rows of Atomic Red Carrots will take up most of the space. I left a little room at each end for a couple of bush beans. Robert Lobitz's "Lake Avenue Beauty". The red flower pots in the photo will have beans eventually in them too. This bed I dug out myself in 2013 when there were still no houses across the street. I wheel barrowed the clay soil across the street and dumped it in the empty lots. This bed is 18 inches deep. Filled it with Earth Grow brand top soil from Walmart which then was very sandy loam mixture of topsoil. I've grow carrots in this soil before and I harvested 90 pounds one October.
Atomic Red Carrots
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Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Whoah, whoah, whoah, you are jumping the gun a little! I just put the seed in the pots, it hasn't GERMINATED yet! That will probably take a few weeks.

But now that I know that this is all there is, I'll make a point to comment on any trait information that, under normal circumstanced, I'd assume you already know, like if it has cot mottling (if it's a Simcox, it could be African) and the flower color (I'll give length estimates too, but bear in mind that, with my conditions, the plants will likely be shorter than they would be elsewhere).

Okay, NOW they have germinated.


Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
I still haven't planted a single bean seed here. I chickened out Monday. Monday morning went outside and it was 44 degrees. Brrrrrrrrr. I thought this is not the right weather for planting beans. Was just right for roto tilling yesterday afternoon, but kinda of late for planting. Then rain again last night. Now gotta wait another two days or so before I can till up the ground again.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i have two gardens done with five more to go. i hope i can get them finished before the end of the week. i should be seeing some sprouts soon, we had rains today (this morning and now) so they should be getting ready to pop.

once i get the inside the fence gardens all planted then i get to scramble to see how many more gardens outside the fence i can plant with beans before i run out of energy and time. they take a lot longer to do because they are much larger. i grow my bulk beans without fences all around because it may be ok if some of them will be eaten by the critters.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i have sprouts. :) i didn't have enough time or energy to figure out exactly which sprouts as i was just finishing up from getting three gardens finished planted and watered in before the evening came along.

for the last garden i took my ear muffs out with me because it is right next to the killdeer nest and while she is usually ok if i'm nearby i knew she was not going to like me being that close and moving around a lot. i waited until it was cool enough that the eggs would not fry in the sun/heat before i went out to finish that one.

having these done gives me two days to get the last two gardens planted, some other gardens weeded and whatever else comes up. with the sunshine and breezes i'll have to give them all a spray a few times a day to keep them moist enough. at least these gardens are completely on the other side of the fenced area so the killdeer will not be upset much other than when i water.

Sunday afternoon slight chance of rain, that can change between now and then, also Sunday evening and Monday are rains forecast, but no idea what happens until it lands.

it will be some rainy days before i can get the planting lists typed up...

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