2020 Little Easy Bean Network - An Exciting Adventure In Heirloom Beans !


Deeply Rooted
Jan 25, 2016
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Another network bean grown called O’Driscoll. It is also a pole bean and very prolific. I love the purple streaky pods!



Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
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Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
Russ's 2020 Bean Show - Day 15

Long Prairie 3 - Bush Dry. Another of the Robert Lobitz Legacy beans. I actually now have more beans from this project than I started with. A number of segregations. Several family groups of closely related beans. This bean is very productive with large plants and long pods. I think this one looks like Long Prairie 2.1. I think sometimes when the genes shuffle and make their pairs they must turn out like some of the ones that came before them. Maybe I should just combine the two.

Long Prairie Trout 2 - Bush Dry. This one is related to the Little Falls family of beans and has more white on it's seeds. Large productive plants and long pods. I think it's stable and I've recently given it a name of Birch Lake.

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Long Prairie 3.............................................................Long Prairie Trout 2

Long Prairie Trout 3 - Bush Dry. Large productive plants and long pods. Related to the Little Falls family of beans. Lots more red on it's seed. It produces a few seeds with less red and more white.

Long Prairie Trout - Bush Dry. Large producitive plants and long pods. This is one of my favorites of this group of beans.

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Long Prairie Trout 3.....................................................Long Prairie Trout

Long Prairie Trout Off Type - Bush Dry. I don't know how this would grow if tried by itself or how productive it might or might not be. However I bet it would do well.

Long Prairie Trout Reverse - Bush Dry. This is what Long Prairie Trout does when it switches it's red for the dark speckling and makes the dark speckling the base color of it's eye patch.

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Long Prairie Trout Off Type.........................................Long Prairie Trout Reverse



Garden Master
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Woodstock, Illinois Zone 5
Russ's 2020 Bean Show - Day 16

Maggies Cresent - Bush Snap. A Robert Lobitz original named bean that he released close to 20 years ago through the Seed Savers Exchange yearbook.

Major Cooks - Pole Dry/Shell/Snap. Said to be a multi purpose bean. British citizen Harold Luxton was in France during WW1. He returned to work as a gardener for the War Graves commission under a Major Cook. Breeding a bean to their liking. Luxton was awarded a British Empire medal from the Royal Horticultural Society for his work.

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Maggies Cresent..........................................................Major Cooks

Maria Zeller - Bush Dry. I acquired this bean in autumn of 2011 From Andrea Jones of Derby, England. After seeing the bean on her website "The Linear Legume". She was also having trouble keeping this bean going in her gardening enviornment. She sent me two seeds and I grew the beans out for two seasons and returned about 60 nice hand picked seeds to her at the end of the 2013 growing season.

Mona Lisa - Pole Dry. It was rough going for this bean again this summer. A beautiful variety bred by a friend of my Austrian bean contact in Liebenfels Harriet Mella.

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Maria Zeller.................................................................Mona Lisa

Mostoller Wild Goose - Pole Dry. A bean that has been in the Pennsyvania Family the Mostollers for 5 generations. Originally obtained from the crop of goose that two young Mostoller boys shot shortly after returning from the Civil War. A true American Heirloom.

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Mostoller Wild Goosea

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