Garden Master
Ohhh those are beautiful! I'm jealous of these beans.
considering the beans i was given looked like this (only a bit darker) ... [not my picture either]:

i'm not particularly upset at the results as my first year grow outs barely gave me anything solid colored, but what i had i planted and this is a part of the results. i have some that are dark blue to almost black in color and others with a mottled pattern.
i think i should ditch all these because i don't want to keep growing something that isn't what it should be (and giving those genes a chance to spread to my other beans which would give me even more projects that i don't really need on top of the rest i already have...) if they were the solid color ones and the right shape i'd tolerate them being a pole bean, but the cut-short pattern and the off-type makes them a dead-end for me right now.
you want to adopt them? i'd suggest instead just getting the solid color Sacre Bleu pole beans instead.