Deeply Rooted
Oh my gosh, I was literally just thinking that. I have been working on Frost as a network bean since 2019 and have never yet gotten enough good seed to send back. 2019 was extremely poor quality seed in a season where almost everything else grew flawlessly. 2020 was actually better quality so I was hopeful; but still not enough really good-looking seeds to send back. This year I planted TRIPLE the amount of Frost as I did anything else........ and the rabbits picked off EVERY SINGLE ONE (and it was the only variety they completely decimated like that). Luckily I still have enough from the other two growouts for one or two more tries...I've been having trouble getting back enough good seed of Frost bean every year. It's either a crop failure or I send them out to someone and never here back from that grower. It's almost as if the Frost bean has a curse attached to it. It's really weird that it keeps consistenly happening to this variety.