Garden Master
Been there, done that. You can change the emoji after the fact by clicking on the right one.
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this morning i've been cooking up some old beans to get them gone. they are the smaller beans i normally use for chili which means they can boil for three or four hours and still not fall apart. edit, make that five hours... i just forgot about them for another hour and a half and they're still ok. haha...
mmm, just having a bowl for brunch.
Mom will be happy to have them for using later, we freeze some after draining them, but she'll also be happy to have that counter space back where i had those containers sitting to remind me to use them up. they weren't full containers so they were certainly taking up more room than they needed. 9 quart containers compacted now into i nice tidy small stack of containers and lids.
all ready for the next round to be grown and harvested.
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