Garden Master
Possibly from a sewer or storm drain nearby? When I lived in San Diego, the place where I gardened had apparently been the site of a building at some point in the past (I dug up part of a buried sidewalk). There was a manhole cover between my garden & the street; large cockroaches would emerge from the holes in the cover at sunset. As far as I could tell, they caused no damage in the garden, so I left them alone. Our young boys though were fascinated by them.Millers I can deal with. It's those "crazy cockroaches" each summer that drive me batty, since I have no idea WHERE THEY ARE COMING FROM (if they actually LIVED in the house, either we or the Terminix guy would have noticed more of them by now, but neither of us have). They're about a third of the size of a regular Oriental Cockroach, fly EXTREMELY readily (I am aware normal cockroaches can fly, but these fly everywhere, they NEVER scuttle or run) and are ATTRACTED to light (it's been a while since I saw one now, but I think they also don't have the two little "whisker" things on the end of the abdomen regular cockroaches have.) Oh and I once saw one hiding out in the door well of the car, so they are definitely coming from outside the house.
"Crazy cockroaches" would be the flying cockroaches I observed in Africa; they looked like bats flying under the street lights. While I was wondering what they were, one landed on me, and quickly crawled down my leg to the ground. I can't describe what a creepy feeling that was!