Garden Master
The problems in SSE seem to stem from a combination of decisions by upper management (the Board), database software changes, and a very high staff turnover. Even those who try to improve things seldom stay on long enough to see their visions through to completion. That has been a source of constant frustration for me, because I try to build a positive working relationship with someone on staff, only to see them leave after a year or two. I hope the seed historian stays on; given that variety history is part of SSE's core mission, that so much history has been lost, and that so many long-time members have left (or will soon), there is much that needs to be done.
The break between the old naming system & the new accession# system really needs to be addressed. As someone who has acquired & maintained many of SSE's own offerings, the broken link between old & new not only is a broken chain of custody, it allows the same variety - from the same source - to be double listed.
it all comes down to what files were saved from the previous versions and the new versions and if they can be made available.
i'm very familiar with doing odd things with computers and patching between systems or exporting and importing or building interfaces. it all comes down to getting the information to match up somehow.
if they moved the description intact and only changed the coding then it is quite possible to go back and rematch things up again comparing the text in the descriptions from each side, but you do need both sides of the conversion for that to work. otherwise once the old information is lost then someone else would have to go and do the manual matching all over again one item at a time. it's very likely that anyone hiring on won't ever have that kind of dedicated time unless someone outside said "We have these funds for this task and we want to be sure it is done so you need to hire [X] to do it." or ...