Attractive To Bees
140 varieties! Jesus!A couple of limas last year I presprouted the seed of Ping Zebra and put them in the ground after they sprouted about 10 days before the end of May. Most of the beans I grow I sow them directly. This year I will grow a little more than 140 varieties.
I spent two days recently picking samples out of the freezer of beans that I will be growing and getting them lined up in boxes in the order that they will go into the ground. I need to get all my poles ready. Soon as it is warm enough to plant and the soil is the right moisture level. I will spring into action with my roto-tiller and will be out planting for about 5 days.
In this case I think I refrain from asking you to list them here occasionally (for I am curious about it) as I do not want you to spend the whole summer writing down bean names..