Attractive To Bees
wow, that sounds like a really valuable resource; I really appreciate you pointing me to her! We've been gardening this plot organically for about a decade, so I'm afraid it's probably just mosaic. Maybe she can help me identify whether it's common or yellow mosaic.Looks mosaic-y to me too @capiscumguy , however, having said that, in this day and age soil contaminated with pesticide/herbicide residue is not uncommon. It's been in use for so long and so ubiquitously. Pesticide affected plants can look like that as well. But I can pass on a tip to you for future bean growouts, it's an Ontario connection but I think you may still get a response if you have concerns. Megan Moran with Dry Bean Agronomy Ontario ( might offer bean insights if you email her with photos or questions. She''s been so helpful to me & even offered up free lab services to test any plant I might be concerned about. You may have a similar resource in BC.
Eta: sorry everybody, my typos are epic now because of this dumb auto correct function on my present device. Until I can disable the function please accept my apologies for future auto correct typos! What a super dumb function, always gets the word wrong.![]()