Deeply Rooted
@ducks4you I'm jealous at how cheaply you can get wire fencing. Some of the prices here make my eyes water.
Oh yes you will get orders like that again. It reminds me of one of the Carpenter's songs, but I will say it like this. "You've Only Just Begun". More people are going to find your website and some may even tell you they want them all. You will get a lot of smaller and medium sized orders but more biggies are yet to come. Occassionlly I get orders for 2 or $300. A little over a year ago I got two orders from a fellow in France. He ordered over $400 in November and once he was satisfied that his orders were going to come to him and pass customs. He ordered over another $300 worth of beans the following month. It literally took me all day to pack one of his packages.What a great weekend! I received a dream of a lifetime seed request on Friday, much of which was beans, and I've been making labels and packing all weekend long. 3 days & I'm finally done, it's bittersweet. I may never get a seed request like that ever again!
Very bad news looming on the horizon this week.
There is opposition desperately trying to stand in the way, but it looks like April 1st there will actually be a 23% tax hike in the already existing federal cArBoN tAx. Gasoline bought today was 167.9/litre, so in two weeks that would be 206.6/litre. 1 litre = 0.26 gallons, so roughly, $7.82/gallon is how I think that would work out or close to it. This is worse than nuts. Last week I mailed a $24.00 dollar package of beans which cost $4.00 to ship. That's alot already, but I can't imagine what shipping something will cost if thisgoes through. I'll definitely need to increase my shipping rates, which makes me very sad. Possibly the seeds too. The seeds will be placed further out of reach and at a time when people will be needing them more than ever because this will mean realtime, not enough calories level hunger for people. Insanity is truly king.
I'm posting this for everyone's enjoyment. I found this fellow by accident yesterday while looking at something else, sort of magical how that happens. His photos are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen of P. vulgaris and favas, he even seems to be able to turn ordinary plant sprigs into specimens of beauty with the lens. This young man has an incredible talent with a camera! Enjoy!
Also, @Blue-Jay it looks like some of your beans are in his catalogue, I've never seen Pink Emperor anywhere else but your site?? Your beans really are - literally - world travellers!!
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This fellow is Gabriel Hess. He lives in Oeschenbach, Switzerland. You found another of my European contacts. Gabriel and I trade beans from time to time. He is from who I got Karoffelbohne from. Gabriel also trades and acquires beans from Guy Dirix in Belgium.Also, @Blue-Jay it looks like some of your beans are in his catalogue, I've never seen Pink Emperor anywhere else but your site?? Your beans really are - literally - world travellers!!![]()