Deeply Rooted
@heirloomgal, what you are showing is not a Gold und Silber but most likely some outcross.
This bean is actually called Or i Plata and comes from Catalonia, Spain. Gold und Silber is the literal translation from Catalan to German and is the name under which this bean is sold in the Deaflora store.
Or i Plata looks like this. Photo from the internet.
View attachment 69512
And here is a link to Gold und Silber in Bohnen-Atlas. In the origin column it says DeafloraOnly the main photo shows the correct bean.
Bohnen-Atlas - Detailansicht
Der Bohnen-Atlas ist Nachschlagewerk für Bohnensorten. Er beinhaltet Beschreibungen, die durch Bilder und Kommentare der Nutzer erweitert werden kö
I have original Or i Plata seeds from the Malgrat del Mar area and I can send you some if you want. This is a late bean in our locations and the pods don't always have time to ripen. I tried last year. I didn't take a photo of the seeds because there was nothing to brag about.
Interesting. I received Gold und Silber from Bohnen-Atlas and these are the seeds I received
I grew them in 2020 and, like you, Artorius, I struggled to get good quality seed but this is what mine looked like shortly after harvesting
I haven't gone back to see whether the seed has darkened with age