2024 Little Easy Bean Network - Growing Heirloom Beans Of Today And Tomorrow


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
the third box i shelled out today within the first five pods i took off the top four were a different new bean - it's looking like yet another fun bean season. :)

i haven't counted how many are new in total yet, but it's at least a dozen.


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
Had to make decisions today based on the fact that we may get a solid rain tomorrow. Most of the plants are well advanced into seed development, was I willing to risk leaving the plants in the ground to take up too much water? On the one hand I want every last pod to mature it's seed, on the other hand I don't want to ruin what is close to maturity by leaving the roots in. So, I pulled the bottoms out on most of the plants. It is late Sept, and we've had a lot of heat units in the last week so I thought the best gamble was to not take risks with rain and be happy I got such a boost of good weather. I also moved several poles under cover, the ones with a lot of nearly dry pods.

I don't know if fall rains have officially begun, because different weather stations have different POP ratings, some say 30% chance some say 80%. It hasn't rained in a long time, so I'm thinking the rain will happen and it may be the onset of moisture. That would not be ideal of course, but it'd be okay, I can move my dry rack into the carport and dry stuff under there.

Did a bunch of shelling tonight. Ah, the sound of beans falling into my container. Felt great. 🐿️🥜🤎

A pretty picture of the 'Posena' beans turning rosey pink. 💗
IMG_1882 (1).JPG


Deeply Rooted
Sep 18, 2018
Reaction score
Lincolnshire. England
Love, love, love this bean!! My gosh, just one of those truly outstanding bean varieties. Huge vines, just loaded with pods, quite early maturing and the beans form very nicely. AND given that my garden seemed to suffer some kind of herbicide drift/mining exhaust, these were one of a handful of utterly resilient vines. I'm so glad you brought this bean on board, because I've been wanting to grow it for years but didn't think an opportunity would ever come my way. Until 20024! 🤎
Interesting that you had such exceptional results from Ruth Bible. I’ve been wanting to try it for some time too. I happened to receive it from two different sources this year but, alas, neither prospered. One batch died completely and the other has struggled to produce half a dozen pods. I’m puzzled as to why this might be, and will try again next year. But certainly not one of my successes. ☹️