Garden Master
Since the OP is about 3 things learned...Deer can easily jump a 4’ fence but during summer there’s plenty of other food out there for them...
- Deer can jump over a 6' fence, but they won't if they can't see a good landing place. In my rural garden, I use 6' trellises on most sides, 3' in from the fence. I use electric fencing also, but the deer jumped over it once... since I started using the trellises, nothing.
- Deer are also apparently spooked by wire fencing laid on the ground. I have large pots lining the sidewalk to my front door, but couldn't use a permanent fence there. There are a lot of deer in my suburban yard, they would strip any plants in the pots (which were usually my rarest pole beans

- One of my home plots runs close to my neighbor's wooden fence. I thought I had planned the proper distance from the fence, to avoid shadowing... but that was for the summer sun. I planted garlic in that garden for the first time last year, along both sides. The late winter / early spring sun was much lower in the sky; so as a result, the side adjacent to the fence was shaded, and that side of the garden thawed & dried out much more slowly. I lost all of the garlic on that side - which was 2/3 of what I had planted. I learned that I still have much to learn... and unfortunately, sometimes that process involves Mother Nature giving you a good swift kick in the nethers.
Incidentally, deer once jumped into that home plot (it is 15' X 85'), when I had just finished planting & no trellises were up yet. Apparently once it jumped over, it saw fencing all around it, and thought it was caged... because it then beat up the fencing in three places trying to get back out, without eating anything.