so lucky
Garden Master
This is a little off subject, but not so far as to call it a "hijack." I have been using a Melitta coffee cone for the last year or so, and really like the taste of the coffee it makes.
My DH started using it too, and we thought since we are both using "real coffee" now, we may as well buy a drip coffee maker so we can make more than a cup at a time.
Well, I can't believe the difference in the taste of the coffee once it goes through Mr Coffee.
Doesn't smell or taste nearly as good as the coffee made with the simple drip Melitta. What process can the coffee go through inside that machine to change the taste and smell that much? It was that way from the start, so I know it wasn't a built up of chemicals or coffee oils. We have used the pretty new red Mr Coffee machine a little over a month, and now the last two mornings we just reverted back to the Melitta.
Do you suppose the process of heating the water inside the machine scorches it? We have a ton of calcium in our water. Maybe it is the stench of burned calcium. The coffee maker comes with a charcoal filter that I am supposed to replace monthly, but I realized they charge about 6 bucks for them, so I don't think that is a go. Taste is not better with the filter, possibly worse. Ick!
My DH started using it too, and we thought since we are both using "real coffee" now, we may as well buy a drip coffee maker so we can make more than a cup at a time.
Well, I can't believe the difference in the taste of the coffee once it goes through Mr Coffee.
Do you suppose the process of heating the water inside the machine scorches it? We have a ton of calcium in our water. Maybe it is the stench of burned calcium. The coffee maker comes with a charcoal filter that I am supposed to replace monthly, but I realized they charge about 6 bucks for them, so I don't think that is a go. Taste is not better with the filter, possibly worse. Ick!