Garden Master
Or, a failure to swing ...
What did you plan and fail to do with this year's garden?
I have been a little half-hearted about growing mung beans for winter sprouting. I guess, I should get more into sprouting before making a commitment for a couple of months growing something I have never even seen, as anything but a sprout! Or, learn to not think out loud so much.
A companion crop for the tomatoes: I want to plant oats early, set out the tomato transplants in their midst, pull the oats, and use them as mulch. Hey, I did it with squash one year! Really, it should work with any warm-season plants. Oats can grow at very cool temperatures. Grow my own mulch. Probably, the living oats would also provide service as a "nurse crop."
Timing. I really planned on doing this in 2015 but then realized at the last moment that my plan to plant both at the same time was wrong, wrong, wrong! What happened in 2016? I simply forgot ...
We all go off on the wrong foot, take chances on something new, make mistakes. What did you do wrong by omission?
What did you plan and fail to do with this year's garden?
I have been a little half-hearted about growing mung beans for winter sprouting. I guess, I should get more into sprouting before making a commitment for a couple of months growing something I have never even seen, as anything but a sprout! Or, learn to not think out loud so much.
A companion crop for the tomatoes: I want to plant oats early, set out the tomato transplants in their midst, pull the oats, and use them as mulch. Hey, I did it with squash one year! Really, it should work with any warm-season plants. Oats can grow at very cool temperatures. Grow my own mulch. Probably, the living oats would also provide service as a "nurse crop."
Timing. I really planned on doing this in 2015 but then realized at the last moment that my plan to plant both at the same time was wrong, wrong, wrong! What happened in 2016? I simply forgot ...
We all go off on the wrong foot, take chances on something new, make mistakes. What did you do wrong by omission?