Chillin' In The Garden
Ok I am going to do this.. I have some chicken wire... I can pick up some tomato stakes.. and make a round thing to put stuff in.. Now I dont have a lot of compost.. I do have chicken manure.. I am getting a bail of hay to put over my strawberry mounds.. so I will have some hay.. I will have some dirt.. but not compost.. will that still work?
secondly.. how did you make those? and how can I order some?

I build a frame from steel rod, roll it, weld four legs on with 6 inches to go into the ground. I then roll the frames over the chicken wire (standard chicken wire) and use pink nylon string to fix it to the frame and to "stitch" up the seams.
Now if I sold more garden stuff on one of my websites, I would consider selling them. However I don't and the shipping would be a problem. I do use dirt, leaves, grass clippings and suggested already straw.
My baskets are placed near my pond, good light, and plenty of water. It doesn't hurt the if you wanna wrap some plastic outside of the baskets as the plants grow, if not they will still be fine, but you will need to water them more as it's exposed.
I grow kennabec, german butterball and desiree.