Air Movement


Deeply Rooted
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester NH
Texan said:
momofdrew said:
Actually all watering should be close to the root systems as in drip irrigation and not over head as in sprinklers... if you use a sprinkler you should do it early enough so the breezes can dry the leaves before moon rise...
also you shouldnt have to water twice a day if you are watering deep enough... inch or more at a time...

If you use a sprinkler try putting a can out at the far edge of the spray and see how long it takes to fill the can an inch and remember most of the water is being evaporated into the air while you are running the will be surprised how long it takes

soaker hose or drip irrigation is much more effecient...especially in a hot climate like Texas...
I guess I need to investigate a soaker hose. I water with a hose and a nozzle. I walk along and water each row. I am going to quit the night time thing and just put more water down in the morning unless I get the soaker hose thing. I guess those can be found at Lowes/Home Depot plant department?
Wal mart, Kmart, Sears, Job Lots, tractor supply and any seed and feed store or at least mine does...lots of seed catalogs have irrigation supplies for sale too...

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