Already off to a bad start


Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
@Pulsegleaner ,

Do you have the premium photobucket account?

I believe that is the only option for embedding photobucket photos on forums.


I have all my photos in an album on my computer (Apple laptop), so when I want to use one or more of mine I drag it/them from my album onto my desktop and then drag it into my message. I then have the option of full image or thumbnail. Hubby keeps trying to show me a simpler way but but why fix what works for me ;).



Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
Annette do you eat your beans ?

Yes we do with a few exceptions, when I only have a few seeds and need to save enough to plant again it's hand's off.
This year I'm growing one that everyone seems to have lost. Out of my packet of seed only one germinated. Now nicknamed "Only the Lonely" my one and only vine of "Ralph's Italian Heirloom" is just starting to flower so hopefully I'll be able to share seed later on, so that's a hands off.
Another "Sarah's Old Fashioned Black", I was on the hunt for this one for 4 or so years, finally someone in the UK found them for me and sent me a few, I was able to send this same gal one she was looking for "Piekny Jas", after someone on another forum found a source in Europe and sent me a few (we beanaholics stick together:)). I kept a sample and I'm growing those for seed to share, it seems the "Piekny Jas" being sold on this side of the pond are turning out to be Limas not runners which they are supposed to be.
"Piekny Jas" seed is very similar to Gigandes in size, I'm hoping they have the same thin skins.
Back to Sarah's, I picked enough beans for one feed plus I wanted to take a picture for my records, After searching the web I could only find one photo and it wasn't a good one. A sample of what we had for supper the other night.

These had a nice texture and a mild flavor with maybe a touch of sweetness, we had oven BBQ'd ribs with so they may have brushed against the sauce:). A few of the pods had strings but most didn't. Will be keeping the rest for seed.
The others I have planted I have plenty of seed so we can eat our fill. If at the end of the season there's a few pods that are dry enough to keep seed I will but not necessary.
Our main ones for eating this year are "Cherokee Trail of Tears" and "Barksdale" I have enough seed saved so don't have to worry about saving any this year.


Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
Had another feed of "Sarah's Old fashioned Black" for dinner last night, I mentioned before they might or not have a touch of sweetness. Yes they do have a sweet flavor, something I haven't picked up on in the other beans I've eaten. It looks like a keeper:)

The jury's still out on another variety I grew last year "Bob and Mary" I'm thinking it's probably better used as a dry bean.
I've past both of these varieties along to another Seeds od Diversity member in hopes of getting these two back in circulation.



Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
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Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Update 9/2

1. I have begun harvesting from the second (actually, the first) pot.
As of this point all the seed I have gotten is of one type and one plant (probably, the plants are so intertwined I can't honestly tell). This ones seed is sort of mottled greenish brown and is a lot smaller than the other one. Now I just have to hope some of the other pods prove to be coming from other plants and produce different seeds.
2. At last one of the plants in the third (or should I say, second) pot has flower buds, so , if the weather stays good for a few more weeks (and based on how far the seasons have gone forward, they probably will) I should have at least a few black seeds.


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York

Pot #1 (mixed mottled). There are only three plants left in this pot, but two of them are COVERED with flowers. Whether these are plants that produced seed earlier or not I do not know.

This pot has so fat produced four kinds of seed; the greeny brown I mentioned last post, something similar to pot #3 (possibly the whiter one I planted there) and one seed each of a tiny brownish mottled and greenish mottled (probably won't bother to grow those again, tiny seed plus only making one seed per plant means too small a yield to be worth it.)

Pot#2 (black seeds). No mature seed yet, but the plants are COVERED with pods. Though the fact that the pods all seem quite slender indicated that probably only the smaller seeded version made it through.

Pot#3 (silver mottled). Continues to make seed. Most of the plants are now winding down (it seems that, whatever advantages this one has on earliness of crop, it is lousy at resistance to pests). However there are two (now one) plants that seem to be different (perhaps they came from the other mixed batch). A little later, but much bigger and tougher, and with pods that can actually have up to five or six seeds (as opposed to the others where I have never seen more than one or two.) Am trying to keep the two seed lines separate.