An expensive cheap greenhouse pic heavy


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Good Lord red! I'm glad the wife isn't a member here! Otherwise I would be building a pizza oven on the side of the gazebo! Personally, I've kind of pictured a tiki bar sitting there ;) But, in all honesty, a greenhouse is next on the big outdoor projects list...right behind the chicken coop, remodeling the other house, tearing this house down, and building the new house. Well, it's at least in the top five on the list.
As far as your 76, I don't blame him for giving a pass on construction! But the DS; that's another matter entirely. I'll tell you this, boys love their mothers. Just get an idea of what you want and start digging holes in the yard. When DS asks what your doing, just tell him you are building a gazebo. He'll take over from there.
My wife uses a different tactic with me. I am an avid beer drinker. She waits until I've had a few then says, "It would sure be nice to have (insert whatever may be running around in her head here)." That's all it takes. She knows the seed is planted and will grow. I don't think it's fair, but what the heck? I'm addicted to the woman and she knows it.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Thanks for the 'advice', MontyJ. After 43+ years I don't think I need any help though. LOL!

We've built houses together and remodeled quite a few. My problem is HE will not #insert task# before it's time. I worked for years to get my garden shed. Not because he wouldn't, but we were busy and had other projects to get through first. After 5 years of planning, I bought the lumber. Three years later the 24x32 foot shed was started. Although we all worked together, DS did most of the high work. With the bank of windows, I plan to use the shed for a winter garden.

Do you have chickens yet? I had some 20 years ago and then got back into chickens last year. They lived in the unfinished garden shed until we built the coop. Now I have a assortment of breeds that should give me about 5 eggs a day, down a bit from my numbers last year. I am so proud of the coop! It's beautiful!

Like most projects, we built the coop together. HE was in construction with his father before we met and I enjoy building HFH houses with the skills I've learned from HIM during our 45 years together.

I understand that 'seed' idea. One day DH and I discussed having a rose garden someday. The next day I returned from work to find an area tilled and plans for two formal rose gardens to choose from. To say I was shocked would be understating my feelings.

DH is amazing! He has spent this summer grubbing trees, shrubs, and brambles from the woods outback. Last summer it was much the same, but in the gully. Even much younger men would have a difficult time keeping up with him. He hasn't complained, but he has his reasons for not wanting to climb ladders and scamper across rafters and I'm good with whatever he decides. Besides, the coop and garden shed were pretty much at the top of our building list. We've whittled our list down with completed projects over time. The only redoing is work as needed in the apartments - something else DH no longer enjoys so I want them sold.

What's wrong with a tiki bar close to where the pizza is cooking? Where better to watch her work? Time to expand your thinking, man.

I suspect that you like to please your spouse just as mine does me. It works the other way, too. Not because someone is 'wrapped around' a finger, but because your hearts and hands are entwined.

Love, Smart Red


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Excellent story Red! It seems the DW and I have a similar relationship as you and your DH. I'll do anything she wants, without complaint for the most part, and she does for me. Make no mistake though, I am the KING of this castle. We do argue on occasion, but I always get the last word in. It's always "Yes dear." But it's still the last word!

All kidding aside, the DW has been there for me through thick and thin. She has faithfully raised our children and done a remarkable job of it. I would not hesitate to give her anything she wanted. Fortunately for me, she doesn't ask for much.

We do not have chickens yet. I just moved a storage shed from another part of the property to act as a coop. My daughter JB and I are still trying to decide whether we are going to go with meat chickens or egg layers for our first foray into the poultry world.

You mentioned a rose garden...the DW mentioned that once:


It's shaped in an octogon to match the gazebo.

Tiki bar near the pizza oven to watch her work? Nice idea, but the DW doesn't cook outside. Bless her heart, but that's my territory. I was actually considering a pizza oven down by the smoker pit, along with an outdoor kitchen. That will have to wait until the new house is finished though.

She does have me wrapped around her finger, and she is wrapped around mine. I'm nearly 50 and we still hold hands like a couple of school kids. Isn't love grand?!!


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
What a funny story! Sounds like something I would do..haha. You did an awesome job.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
MontyJ said:
I am the KING of this castle. My daughter JB and I are still trying to decide whether we are going to go with meat chickens or egg layers for our first foray into the poultry world. Isn't love grand?!!
I agree, my husband IS the king of our castle. I've told him that so many times that he actually believes it.

Why not 'foray' with a few of each? They will get along famously and you will get the best of both worlds. My first time was with 100 cockerels. About 12 turned out to be "mistakes" that provided the family with eggs for several years. Now I have mostly Dual-purpose birds. Large eggs and good meat.

Yes, with the right person and my guy is a keeper!

Love, Smart Red


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
I have a Chinese friend who said it best. I mention her ethnicity because she was brought up to be brilliant and "only" a female. When she got married she told her husband, also a brilliant Chinese immigrant, "I will allow you to make all the big decisions in our marriage. But, I will decide what the big decisions are."
Smart Red said:
MontyJ said:
I am the KING of this castle. My daughter JB and I are still trying to decide whether we are going to go with meat chickens or egg layers for our first foray into the poultry world. Isn't love grand?!!
I agree, my husband IS the king of our castle. I've told him that so many times that he actually believes it.

Why not 'foray' with a few of each? They will get along famously and you will get the best of both worlds. My first time was with 100 cockerels. About 12 turned out to be "mistakes" that provided the family with eggs for several years. Now I have mostly Dual-purpose birds. Large eggs and good meat.

Yes, with the right person and my guy is a keeper!

Love, Smart Red


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
WOW! I'll trade you MY redneck greenhouse for a gazebo like that ANY DAY!!!!!!!! :lol: That is awesome!! Your DW is one lucky lady.

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
catjac1975 said:
I have a Chinese friend who said it best. I mention her ethnicity because she was brought up to be brilliant and "only" a female. When she got married she told her husband, also a brilliant Chinese immigrant, "I will allow you to make all the big decisions in our marriage. But, I will decide what the big decisions are."

I love this story, Catjac! Very smart gal.
**********Edited to say I see that I have inserted this in the middle of a bunch of quotes. Oh well!**************

Smart Red said:
MontyJ said:
I am the KING of this castle. My daughter JB and I are still trying to decide whether we are going to go with meat chickens or egg layers for our first foray into the poultry world. Isn't love grand?!!
I agree, my husband IS the king of our castle. I've told him that so many times that he actually believes it.

Why not 'foray' with a few of each? They will get along famously and you will get the best of both worlds. My first time was with 100 cockerels. About 12 turned out to be "mistakes" that provided the family with eggs for several years. Now I have mostly Dual-purpose birds. Large eggs and good meat.

Yes, with the right person and my guy is a keeper!

Love, Smart Red


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Maybe my sense of humor isn't obvious. The king comment was taken from the Flintstones movie...a title my daughter placed on me. The real joke was about the last word. I always get it and it's always "yes dear"....hmmm tough crowd.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Hey Monty, I got the part about having the last word. Amazingly this one didn't go over my head like most jokes do. The part I disagreed with you is about their being kings in castles. Everyone knows there are only queens. :lol:


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