Attractive To Bees
Oh yes. I know that we have snakes up here. All kinds of them. "They" are actually introducing a rare breed into the Biddeford area so we have been told. But...we definately don't see snakes that big. I dare say, if we did, I wouldn't have been the outdoors girl that I have been for the last 40 years. Yes, they're pretty, yes they're beneficial, but I still don't want to see one. YUCK!Chickie'sMomaInNH said:oooh boy! do we have snakes up here in New England! we actually have a variety or eastern rattler but we don't see it often since it tries to keep away from people. Rattle Snake Island in the Winnipesaukee was named after them. mostly we see garter snakes here and a small tan colored snake i don't see often nor have i heard of a name for them.Stubbornhillfarm said:Gotta say, being that I am from up north and don't see that kind of thing around here. I would have Freaked Out! I can't even imagine....
I am glad that you got there in time to save most of the babies though. They certainly are cute!
sorry to hear about the 2 buns Wendy.keep moma and her remaining babies safe and warm!