Done right, I would think you could use traditional hives and put a "barn" cover over it. In that vein, you could also build a miniature copy of your house and have that put over another traditional hive structure.
It's a traditional Langstroth setup apparently, with a customized outer cover design.
I agree with Carol Dee, it could be helpful to be disguised in a less than bee friendly neighborhood.
@Nyboy, if you are going to get bee, that sure is a cute hive for them to live in. Since you like things that look nice, I see no reason for you to settle for a dull square box. Your bees would be the envy of the bee-neighborhood!
Thanks it is about me having to look at it, I dont think neighbors would care would be at country house. I guess what I was asking is set up lacking anything a bee hive should have. I can email seller any questions. I did find a keeper on CL looking for place to put his hives, but he is very paranoid, I felt it better not to get involved with him.Now I am not looking for honey, but pollinator for orchard. Maybe some time in future would want honey.
how about mason bees. they don't produce honey & rarely sting. they are NOT carpenter bees so they are not destructive.
i have carpenter bees that i don't really mind much but the males hover by the facial board near the steps to my porch waiting for the females to emerge in the spring, then they die after mating so leaving their bodies everywhere. they tunnel through the facial boards so that is why they are considered destructive.
I have carpenter bees in wooden fence at work. Question I have large number of yellowjacks I find their nest everywhere. Would they war with honey bees?