Garden Master
I don't want to say that I hate animal activists.......but I hate animal activists. An ASPCA ad running currently shows dogs chained to their doghouses in the snow. Sad music plays in the background, ending with an equally sad faced woman begging for money. Am I the only one who noticed most of the sad, chained, snowed on dogs are pit bulls, and that most shelters automatically euthanize pit bulls? But we are to send money to "save" the poor dogs? What a load of vomit. There, I feel better to get that vented.
On the carriage horses, if they don't have a job, they will most likely be sold and could wind up on a long truck ride to Mexico, since horse slaughter is now illegal here. So sending them to Mexico where the slaughter is not regulated is somehow more "humane"?? I suppose this NYC Deblowhard idiot wants to unmounts the mounted police as well?
If you want to "save" a heritage farm animal, eat it. Then the farmer has a monetary reward for spending his time and money to raise that animal and can pay his bills and care for his family. Otherwise, there is no reason to keep breeding them in order to preserve the breed. If you want to "save" the carriage horses, then go take a carriage ride. Heck, take two of them. Then the carriage horse owner has a reason to care for the horse and has the money to do so.
Do these ding-dongs not know that it costs money to care for animals? Oh nooo......all farm animals should cavort about in green pastures without a care in the world and contribute nothing toward their upkeep.
Animal activists
On the carriage horses, if they don't have a job, they will most likely be sold and could wind up on a long truck ride to Mexico, since horse slaughter is now illegal here. So sending them to Mexico where the slaughter is not regulated is somehow more "humane"?? I suppose this NYC Deblowhard idiot wants to unmounts the mounted police as well?
If you want to "save" a heritage farm animal, eat it. Then the farmer has a monetary reward for spending his time and money to raise that animal and can pay his bills and care for his family. Otherwise, there is no reason to keep breeding them in order to preserve the breed. If you want to "save" the carriage horses, then go take a carriage ride. Heck, take two of them. Then the carriage horse owner has a reason to care for the horse and has the money to do so.
Do these ding-dongs not know that it costs money to care for animals? Oh nooo......all farm animals should cavort about in green pastures without a care in the world and contribute nothing toward their upkeep.
Animal activists