Deeply Rooted
We had a pair of BO's that we recently re-homed to a nice lady in a nearby town -- to keep with her existing small flock.. Our BO's were more than 2.5 years old and still laying but getting weird in their old years. Anyway, we were visiting my mother in Oregon and stopped at a ladys place on the way up and picked out (4) day-old chicks (ok -- they were about 3 days old when we got there) to take home to California.. We had to make sure we had the proper paperwork for entry back into CA -- they require docs!! Where are your papers???!

Anyway, we got our NPIP form (National Poultry Improvement Program) from the breeder -- yes, it was planned well ahead of time. Anyway, got the birds home and they're growing like crazy and love to fly if given the chance..
These birds are Lohmann browns which is a german breed that is supposed to be good for high frequency laying.. I'll post some pics..
One claim to fame of this breed is that they're supposed to start laying at ~4 months of age.. We'll see.. Ours were born on about 13 or 14'th of August..

Anyway, we got our NPIP form (National Poultry Improvement Program) from the breeder -- yes, it was planned well ahead of time. Anyway, got the birds home and they're growing like crazy and love to fly if given the chance..
These birds are Lohmann browns which is a german breed that is supposed to be good for high frequency laying.. I'll post some pics..
One claim to fame of this breed is that they're supposed to start laying at ~4 months of age.. We'll see.. Ours were born on about 13 or 14'th of August..