Deeply Rooted
Here in Central MN we are in a horrid drought. All the corn crops came in late, grew fast, and then dropped and dried up sooner than usual. I don't even remember the last time we had a good rain....maybe the beginning of July? I have an in-ground sprinkler system so my veggies have done okay but not even close to normal. Temps keep flip flopping by the week between mid 60s and high 90s- everything is getting confused. I had to buy 3 bushels of tomatoes just to get my canning done for the winter and I still feel like I am behind. Beans did fantastic though- I have done 40 quarts and 70 pints. Now I am just blanching and freezing them whole. I really hope next year is better because I am so saddened by my garden. I hate even looking at it.