Deeply Rooted
Just rec'd this interesting article in email.
In the PSU study, they had the layer chickens in a portable pen that they moved to fresh yard every few days. So the chickens were getting lots of fresh greens daily. Not at all the same as being cage-free in a barn with some access to outdoors. That was my point, really--that there are various types of things labeled "cage free" and "free range," and they aren't equivalent.ninnymary said:Rosalind..I am unclear how this applies to our backyard chickens since the article is based on pasture raised chickens. Do our eggs also have the same nutritional value as pastured chicken eggs?
Also, my chickens are "free ranging" in an outdoor run all day long. I must admit, though that the run is pretty bare. Because of this, I daily give them greens, alittle scratch, and their layer pellets. I know that they are fat, happy chickens. Does this qualify as "free ranging"? Just curious.