Same here, Skeeter. We don't know how much extra we'll need, and we don't even know if our garden's going to do well, so we are utilizing our soil nutrients to their fullest potential and planting as much as we can. I'd rather have too much, but I'm that way with most things in life. It's better to have something and not need it, than to need something and not have it. And if you have something you don't need, you can always find someone who DOES need it! That's where sharing with friends, neighbors, the chickens, and local food pantries and what-not comes into play.skeeter9 said:grow_my_own, I want to have some extra for the chickens as well. The question then becomes, how much more to add to what we think we need. . . We are just going to make our best guess and see what happens.
DH has the measurements written down in his little notebook, which he has with him in the car & he's at work right now, but if I remember correctly, we're going to have about 1000 square feet of garden space this year. Our garden area/yard is about twice the size of our house, and our house (a tiny yet completely adorable mother-in-law cottage set on a hillside in the woods on the back end of an alpaca ranch in the Sierras) is just under 600 square feet.skeeter9 said:Sounds like it's going to be gorgeous, Grow_my_own! About how much room will you have for edibles?