Garden Master
I used to get a dozen feral cats 3-4 times/ year at a time for FREE from the former County Pound to keep the mouse and rat population down. I did this because the coyotes would make snaks of the cats. Such is the cycle of life. Then the bleeding hearts group took over the pound and started to charge $35 / feral cat. Six months later it was $75/ cat. Six months later it was $125/ cat. $ 125 x 12 cats = $ 1500 x 4 = $7500 became MUCH too rich for my blood to cator to their bleeding heart mantras. Buying mouse / rat POISON from the county for $30 for 30 lbs. of poison it is !!!I'd like to have a friendly barn cat or two, but usually the shelters here only have feral cats....none too friendly and used to living in the city. They'd get eaten real quick out here in the country.