Garden Master
Wind chimes, potentilla, a little gardening guy with wild hair and sandals ...this pic is from years ago
Looks like beach frontage in places ...
Wind chimes, potentilla, a little gardening guy with wild hair and sandals ...this pic is from years ago
Bee, that is such an improvement in your garden. It is amazing. Unfortunately I had already put down wood chips earlier and now will have to wait till they decompose to use hay. Maybe it's our mild weather but they take a long time to do that. I suppose I could scrape them off but I already have enough nitrogen problems to do that. Maybe come fall I will do some areas.
I didn't realize you had used hay in the fall. I thought it was in the spring. That's why I thought it was very fast for it to be working.
I'll try to remember that but I think rotten hay would be hard to find. I just saw a post for 30 FREE straw bales that were used for a wedding. It was about 45 minutes from here.Those wood chips would compost much more quickly if you added hay on top of them this fall. Nice, rotten hay.
I'll try to remember that but I think rotten hay would be hard to find. I just saw a post for 30 FREE straw bales that were used for a wedding. It was about 45 minutes from here.
Remind me then or else I'll forget.