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- #1,541
Garden Master
Will do! Bought some Rudbeckia, bee balm, echinacea(all root stock) and butterfly bush today....the beginning of my perennial garden. Will also be buying way more asparagus and rhubarb this year, hoping to get large beds of each established....both are favorites of mine.My goodness Bee! You are going to be so busy and going to sleep very well.That's going to be a big transformation to your garden. Sounds lovely. Post pics.
Will need to get the rhubarb into a situation that has more evenly distributed moisture this year....last year they were the most beautiful rhubarb I'd ever grown or even seen, then we had tons of rain followed by high heat and humidity, which killed all but 2 of the plants and I still don't know if those will make it to spring. It's this loggy clay soil, which holds too much water but is so dense roots can't penetrate it when the water is gone into the depths of the hard pack.
Will try to get them into a raised bed this year and mix in something that will help...other than compost, which I've been laying in thick and heavy for years now, what can I mix into that raise bed soil/compost to improve drainage and aeration there?