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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I HAVE A ZOO!! It was a compliment, not a criticism.
Sorry, you misunderstood!!! :hit:hugs:hugs:hugs
Also, I WASN'T criticizing either your training or Choice of donkey. I guess I was reacting bc I get beat over the head about My decision to keep horses are worthless, expensive, stupid, and why not a useful donkey or useful mule?
I keep horses bc I like it. They serve as my friends and my entertainment.
Don't have any livestock until I get more chickens.
All I have heard from one Reasonable donkey owner is that they do better with the carrot than the stick.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I HAVE A ZOO!! It was a compliment, not a criticism.
Sorry, you misunderstood!!! :hit:hugs:hugs:hugs
Also, I WASN'T criticizing either your training or Choice of donkey. I guess I was reacting bc I get beat over the head about My decision to keep horses are worthless, expensive, stupid, and why not a useful donkey or useful mule?
I keep horses bc I like it. They serve as my friends and my entertainment.
Don't have any livestock until I get more chickens.
All I have heard from one Reasonable donkey owner is that they do better with the carrot than the stick.
:hugs No worries, Ducks. I had to get rid of the donkey, so she wasn't worth much to me after all, was she?

Horses be be useful on a homestead of folks use them for riding, working, plowing, therapy, etc. Lots of folks have horses for pasture ornaments but they are useful animals if one can utilize them. I LOVE horses, just don't have enough pasture for larger animals here unless they are guard animals....and now I won't even have that. Dogs will have to do.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
You are probably not happy with me, but I would encourage you to vote locally. I am a Trustee in our tiny town and THE ONLY REASON why we are suing an international Wind Farm company from breaking IL and willfully building 1 1/2 miles beyond our city limits. I was the big mouth furious that we were lied to and that some other people who let them do this to their land had signed gag orders in exchange for monthly payments of FEDERAL SUBSIDIES, which includes Your taxes, too.
Never knew WHY I was "volun-told" to Be on this board until last Spring. NOW, I know why.
If you Don't get involved, vote. If you don't vote, you have no voice.
I am supporting and have one sign in my yard for a nominee of the other party for Circuit Clerk. She works with my DD, who thinks very highly of her. MY party has an contentious and lazy Circuit Clerk and She needs to be fired at the voting box.
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Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Just now got the cultivator fixed and running, so the gardening begins today. I know...extremely late...but it's better than never at all. Finally got a break in the rains enough to get in there and cultivate a bit and the soil looks good.

Doing things a little differently this year so that the garden stays more dry in some areas~yes, I said more dry~while maintaining moisture in others. Overall I have a very wet garden and the hay holds in that overly wet state a little much, so this year I'm introducing a little cultivating here and there to aerate the soil and let it get rid of moisture a little better. I've discovered I have an underground spring that runs right through the middle of the garden in a diagonal line, which keeps some areas more wet then others.

Building one raised bed so I can try and grow rhubarb in all that wetness and will try to keep it to an area that's not particularly wet and also gets afternoon shade. Also will try to grow some rhubarb in some of the flower beds. Will be planting more asparagus in the more wet areas, as they seem to like the wet.

Planting both red and white spuds this year, only a half doz. tomatoes and the rest will be in beans, squash, pumpkins, flowers, asparagus and rhubarb. Will also be trying to get more perennial flowers into the garden on the extended part. Still need to dig out that spring deeper and bigger to develop it into something lovely and/or useful. to get out there as the weather is gorgeous!!!!


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I like the idea of you working with that spring to utilize it's maximum. Could it be made into a small pond? or a creek?


Not quite that big of a water supply, but it should keep a small pond/spring full....I hope to dig it 3 ft deep and widen it out to 6 ft by 4 ft.

I started out digging this to divert the water from around a young apple tree's root was standing in water all the time and I think that is what killed the other two trees in locations around the garden. I didn't notice they were standing in water until I removed the mulch rings from around the trees....after I took the mulch rings from them, I think that water had nowhere to go but to sit in that soil.

When I planted them, it wasn't that wet there but it's increased in water levels over the past few years....possibly due to all the rains we have now.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yes, i could see where apple trees would not like their feet wet all the time, rhubarb on the other hand should be ok with some moisture. around here ours goes dormant if it gets too hot and dry.


Garden Addicted
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
East Texas Zone 8b
I vote for a duck pond too!

We have a good sized pond. I'm not sure how big around it is, maybe 1/4 of an acre? I do know it's 20' deep out in the middle. We got ducks & geese one year. Raised them in a pen out by the barn. When they got big enough, we would take them out to the pond to swim. They did fine as long as we stayed there with them. We decided to take them down in the truck. We let them out of the cage and we hi-tailed it out of there by way of the barn. Those boogers beat us back to the house. We never got them to stay down there.