Garden Master
I was like noooo, don't squish it! LOL
The chicken coop video showed up at the end and I clicked it. I see now what you were talking about earlier, @Beekissed !
That had to be the filthiest coop I've ever seen. So many things he could have done better. I about gagged when they showed the dirty water bowls and all the flies hovering over it. How much easier it would be for him to set up an automatic waterer or get them started using the water nipples. I didn't like the lack of bedding in the nest boxes either and it looked like they must be roosting in there at night. Maybe he should come visit us over at BYC and get some good advice. 
The chicken coop video showed up at the end and I clicked it. I see now what you were talking about earlier, @Beekissed !