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Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
I once told a friend his sister was so pretty why didn't she do something about her mustache. He went back and told his sister what I said, of course less then a week later I ran into her at a party. lets just say it wasn't pretty.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Got a couple of days and a night of a good, soaking rain and each rain causes the garden to green up even more, with good things happening in many plants that seemed stalled or off color, so I'm thanking the Lord for the blessings of rain and for the greening of the garden.

The roses are starting to look so lovely, especially this Rose of Peace...a salmon colored lovely that is putting out picture perfect blooms. I had planted salmon colored impatiens in that bed as well, so the combination of all that coral/salmon in that bed is going to be stunning when they all fill out into mounds.

The corn is growing quickly with this rain also and though it's not as fully sprouted as I would like, I can use the spaces where it didn't come up to plant more melons or cantaloupe or even some more pumpkins or butternut squash.

I'm going to attempt to plant some greens and carrots the old fashioned way....just throwing seeds in the ground. We'll see if that works.

Chives, onions, strawberries, rhubarb and such are all looking great. Hoping the cukes and beans come up soon. All the potatoes are coming up nice and deep green...soon as they are up a bit, I'll start piling on the straw, a little bit of old horse manure, thin layers of grass clippings as the season progresses. Don't want to make those hills a sodden mass of rotten vegetation.

The tomatoes are growing fast, some faster than others....sure hope they don't get blossom end rot from all the rain. Am putting down eggs shells and pelleted lime to provide some calcium there.

Ate a strawberry this evening....very sweet and juicy. Unfortunately, the insects think so too and are getting to many of them before I do.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I've been noticing that we took off too much material in the garden where the tomatoes are located, leaving behind bare spots where the ground is hardening as per usual for this heavy clay. Have been placing grass clippings there and this evening I distributed an old bale of hay in different parts of the garden, one of which was around the tomatoes.

The tomatoes have really snapped out of their least, most of them have, especially the Romas....and are a dark, lovely green and starting to put on some pretty big blooms. Some have tomatoes already but not many.

The peppers are holding their own, though they haven't grown much, they are putting on bloom and not getting whittled away by bugs and leaf drop. I've kept grass clippings around them, have given them pelleted lime and epsom salts, as well as a little blood meal and also have kept them dusted with lime to deter the bugs.

The potatoes look deep green and lovely, are springing up quickly....most of those that I replanted are over a foot high now. Those in the compost bin are over 3 ft. long and still growing. I put coop litter and hay around those in the garden this evening and side dressed them with pelleted lime and epsom salts. I placed grass clippings in the apple tree cages, around the potatoes planted there. Those are big and nice as well.

Basically, I fed the whole garden a little epsom salts....since I've been doing that, everything is greening up beautifully and growing so much better....all, that is, except the blueberry bush. Pitiful thing hasn't grown an inch.

Strawberries are really putting on fruit, but I don't have enough to get a real mess of them, so I'm going to start picking them, washing them and popping them on a plate in the freezer until frozen hard, then bagging them until I get enough to use in fruit salad and such.

The onions are doing well for now. Beans are not germinating well and the cukes just came up, after being planted twice. Squash, pumpkins and cantaloupe all did poorly in germinating so I'm going to continue to plant those until I see something. I'm also going to order some more Ambrosia sweet corn and do a succession planting of corn in the gaps that didn't germinate before.

I can't get lettuce to sprout in this garden to save my soul....I've tried over and over to no avail. I'm going to rake me out a trench, fill it with potting soil and plant in that. If that works, I'll do that in many places such as where the beans and cukes should be growing and also will form mounds for squash and such. I'm tired of things that used to germinate quickly and grow well in even my nasty clay soil not even germinating now.

The roses are lovely and the other flowers are taking off and starting to grow. They'll never be lush, except our honeysuckle....I'm not much of a green thumb, when it's all said and done. It's a miracle of God that I even am able to grow the vegetables that I do grow...I lack the patience to garden effectively.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
For someone lacking patience in sure had me fooled! :lol: It sounds like your garden is coming around and starting to produce. I think your garden is doing better than mine. You have clay and I have sand. Both of us have a lot of work to do. :) So far, the yellow squash is going crazy, just picked 30 more this afternoon. The tomatoes have lots of green tomatoes, we are waiting for them to ripen. :drool


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Garden is slowly coming around, greening and growing. Son Joel's BTE is doing better than my own in some regards...his squash, peppers, beans and melons are better, while my maters are doing better than his.

Placing grass clippings around plants in a thin layer to help hold in moisture and to feed the plants with compost as the grass breaks down. That always seems to help.

Taters are blooming. Hope those tiny little slugs don't get them all. As soon as the vines show any die back, I'll be removing those taters and planting lettuce and other greens in that place.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I am glad your garden is listening to you and getting with it!

Mine is hit or miss, more miss than hit. :lol:


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
For someone lacking patience in sure had me fooled! :lol: It sounds like your garden is coming around and starting to produce. I think your garden is doing better than mine. You have clay and I have sand. Both of us have a lot of work to do. :) So far, the yellow squash is going crazy, just picked 30 more this afternoon. The tomatoes have lots of green tomatoes, we are waiting for them to ripen. :drool

Nope, @baymule ....yours is definitely doing better! :D My yellow squash are about 4 in. high right now and my tomatoes have a few green maters(very small) and more bloom coming on but I won't be eating a tomato from that crop until the end of July or even into August, by my reckoning.

The only thing fit to eat out of the garden right now are chives, a few strawberries each day and a few stalks of rhubarb. Everything else is too immature or small to have produced anything. Guess I could dig up some new taters to eat but I'm reluctant to do so...wanna see how big and how many I can get at the end of the season.