View attachment 20049 As requested
I love your bean tower Mary! The blue is so bright against the green of the bean leaves. Besides, blue is one of my favorite colors.
Bay, bermuda makes a great lawn. Spreads quickly & holds up well to heat, drought & traffic. But it has a mind of it's own. So beware!
Bee, your place is so pretty as usual. Be sure and post a pic of the wild flowers in front of your house, I'd love to see what they look like once they start blooming.
Bermuda grass is a pain in the garden. I hope you can get it under control at your son's place. It doesn't know how to play nice.
Here is my new strawberry bed. You can see the grass that is starting to take over between the beds. Last fall, I put down cardboard, leaves & pine straw thickly over everything.
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My tomatoes, peppers & squash are doing good. Peppers look a little sad, but considering I have trouble growing them, they look great.
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Here are my beans, okra & potatoes. Okra is doing ok, even though bermuda grass is growing up through the mulch. My beans are producing, I just don't have many plants. I thought my potatoes were dieing since they never bloomed.
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But I was wrong! lol It's not a ton, but they are my first home grown potatoes. I planted them in my only wood chip bed. I raked the chips out of the bed and dug down through the compost about 2 inches to native soil. I put my seed taters on top of the soil and covered up with compost. I put another 2 in of compost on, then covered back up with chips. I also put pine straw on top of the chips to give the taters more room to grow. When I harvested them, they were only growing in the compost. None were in the chips or the straw.
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My kale is growing good, but so in the bermuda. You can see it all in the back. It is growing up/through/on top of carcboard, leaves & pine straw. In fact, the cardboard has finished decomposing yet.
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I really enjoy gardening. I just need to find a good way for me to garden. I was hoping the bte method would be my answer. I have trouble getting chips. I've only gotten 2 loads, which isn't near enough. It looks like leaves/pine straw isn't going to be enough of a deterrent to stop the grass.
I'm going to try higher raised beds & let the grass grow between them. I'll just mow/weed it as needed. I've been raking up the leaves and cardboard so that I can get in there & mow. So far, I've found a couple of baby rat snakes, a baby copperhead and about 4 in of a black tailed snake with white spots. I never saw the rest of the snake, it was in the leaves/wood chips.
You're too funny. My hens picture has already won the POW.That's beautiful! And it needs to go in the POW....LOVE that color of blue in the middle of a garden.![]()