Garden Master

Is there a way where you could put 4 boards on each corner and then put plastic, a piece of plywood, or a sheet on top?I set out my Painted Mountain corn today. It was already a foot tall. I planted it on February 12, set out March 8. Time will tell if that was a brilliant move or a really dumb idea. A storm is coming through at 4 AM, so maybe a dumb thing to do.
Nope. I was up at 4 AM, it was misting, so let the dog out to potty before the storm got here. It turned and went northeast. There is a line of fast moving storms coming at us now with exciting promises of lots of lightening strikes and hail. We'll see how it goes.Is there a way where you could put 4 boards on each corner and then put plastic, a piece of plywood, or a sheet on top?
I planted them deep, about 3 or 4 inches, like I did last year. There was no lodging last year and the darn crows didn't pull up emerging corn to murder the plants and eat the corn kernel off.Unless they green snap, no problems. Leaned over corn will straighten up.
I planted them deep, about 3 or 4 inches, like I did last year. There was no lodging last year and the darn crows didn't pull up emerging corn to murder the plants and eat the corn kernel off.
Nope. I was up at 4 AM, it was misting, so let the dog out to potty before the storm got here. It turned and went northeast. There is a line of fast moving storms coming at us now with exciting promises of lots of lightening strikes and hail. We'll see how it goes.
I planted a row of Texas PM corn with a row of Idaho PM corn about 6" from the first row. Then I skipped 3 feet for a walk down row and repeated the Tx/Idaho row, then a walk down row and another row of Tx/Idaho. When it tassels I'll shake the pollen and mix it all up. Then next year we'll see what I get! Meanwhile I still have a generous supply of Idaho PM corn and Texas PM case of abject failure.....
If it goes according to plan, I'll get a big headstart, the PM corn will be making corn shortly. Then I will plant a patch of Texas Gourdseed corn, it takes longer.
The tomato plants are about 4 or 5 inches tall and looking good. The kale, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are ready to set out. Need to finish putting the cardboard and mulch on last year's pea patch to keep the weeds down.