Garden Master
Bay, is it a pig RV to take them to slaughter?
with AC!
Bay, is it a pig RV to take them to slaughter?
Close but no prize!![]()
I Googled 'cordwood house'.....WOW, just gorgeous! It's like a work of art!I’m thinking about building a house. BJ is not enthused about it, but that has never stopped me. It would be a several year project, cutting trees, milling lumber, letting it dry and so forth. It would take a couple of years just to get the lumber together. I want a post and beam frame and have enough large pine trees here to make that happen. It might involve moving to another property and BJ doesn’t like that either. But I dragged him here and I can drag him somewhere else.
DD and family moved away, our reason for being here. She just got a new job in Corpus Christi and will probably stay there awhile. Don’t really want to move there, I love east Texas. Son has 35 acres close to Crockett, seriously thinking about that. Someday I’ll be old and will need family nearby.
So my thoughts are to use the resources we have here, Neigjbor has a sawmill. His place backs up to our place, easy enough to drag logs with tractor. I’m just kicking it around, but will more than likely kick it into gear and do it, come he!! or high water.
I want a cordwood house, that’s lengths of split and round logs, mortared at both ends, insulated in the middle, infilled between the posts, set 8’ apart. I’ve been wanting to build a house like that for about 15 years. Really thinking hard on this. Google cordwood house and tell me what you think.
I don’t know what I’m doing but when has that ever stopped me? I have books and friends!
Could go by Amtrak as they have a $299 special going on. Train adventures are fun.Nope, but it sure would be fun.