Baymule’s Farm


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Lambs! :weee

Yesterday Gingera First Freshener or FF, had a single ewe lamb. I moved them to a small pen so they wouldn’t have “help” from the ewe crew.

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2 sets of twins last night. Easter, born Easter morning, her mom was born on New Year’s Eve, appropriately named Eve, from Miranda, has likewise chosen New Year’s Eve to lamb. Looks like boy/girl. Boy will be castrated and added to freezer pack to grow out. Girl will stay.

Eve was given to my neighbor Chase for all the help he has given me.

Name for girl? Must have something to do with New Year’s Eve! I had a brain hiccup, I’m thinking Evie for the ewe lamb.

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Ram lamb. Pardon the afterbirth. I buried it.

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Nora, triplet daughter of Miranda, looks like boy/girl. Same as above, boy named Dinner, girl name is up for grabs.

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Of all things, the ewe crew was pressed into a corner, staring at the intruders.

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I got the moms and 4 lambs moved to a small pen so they can all get better acquainted. I got them a water bucket, fed moms. I got CDT shots and scrapie tags. New lambs are sporting a scrapie numbered ear tag and are vaccinated.

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She is so adorable!

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Buford got a newborn lesson. He did great, very respectful, not excited and stupid.

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Sugar has learned to hang around and let the ewe crew wander off and mom gives her extra feed!

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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
True! DD's bought me two new plastic "paint" really, water hauling buckets. when they stacked all of the bedding they removed the pine bedding pellets from the floor next to the oil drum (holds 250 pounds of feed), so I have been moving all uncracked water buckets and other supplies, like the new feeding rubber bucket there in the grain room so that neither of the boys will destroy them.
You save the pasture and feeding/watering supplies from the animals, and the animals from the supplies!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I passed that on. She is so excited!!
This is Fluffy. Born November 17, she is a very nice well built lamb. And cute too!




Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I bought 6 gallons of milk, poured a little off the top and put in the freezer. I don’t want to run out of milk for Spot the bottle lamb. Technically he is 6 weeks old and I could warn him, but o don’t like weaning so young. I don’t know about yall, but in the South where ice and snow are generally only found in the freezer, people panic. Yep, we are all going to DIE! Quick, we need bread and milk to survive! Go to the grocery store and take it all. And they do. So hopefully I’ve got Spot stacked up on enough milk, I’ll maybe get some more next week.

I bought buckets. I’ll turn water off for this fun event. I fill buckets with water, put in bathtub along with a handy dandy coffee can. Voila! I coffee can of water will flush the toilet!

I got 2 more tac lights, more batteries and zip ties because I fix destruction with zip ties.

A feed store in a neighboring town was on Facebook pleading for people to come get pallets. I packed 20 in my pickup and strapped them in tight.

I don’t have a lot of faith in the hoop shelter in the front field. Hurricane Beryl picked it up and flung it across the driveway into the middle field. I took it apart, stomped the cow panels flat, threw them over the fence and rebuilt it. The sheep tap danced on it on a full moon night. I came out to one side flat and the other side a big hump. Sigh…..

I ran a rope through it, tied to tractor bucket and pulled it back up. It’s still listing to one side. I’m pretty sure if it takes on ice and snow, it will collapse. It is built for our ferocious HEAT! Not ice and snow, not tap dancing wanna be sheep ballerinas, and definitely not for hurricanes.


So I’ll close the gate to that, so none get hurt. Between now and next Friday, I’ve got to build them a sturdy Pallet Palace that won’t collapse. Y’all wish me luck. As in maybe it won’t ice and snow….,


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
This is what I got done yesterday. I still have to finish raising the front higher than the back then run 2x4s front to back, for water run off, then 1-by’s length wise so I can put the tin on. I may even have time to staple some big woven plastic, opened up dog food bags on the front (north side) if I can find the staple gun. Or I have those plastic round thingies with a nail in the middle for putting underlayment on roofs.



It won’t be big enough, but if needed, I can use one end wall and just add another bunch of pallets.

I’ll have to run a fence of some sort across the field to keep the ewes from going to far corners to give birth, and calling in the bobcats and coyotes.

Now it looks like the weather prediction is not going to be so dire, it has actually improved a little.

Some day I’m going to have a real barn and I’m gonna dig a big deep hole, toss all the Pallet Palaces in it and burn them all down to ashes. Then cover it up like a cat in a litter box. That will take care of all the staples, nails and screws, so I never get them in my tires.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I got rafters and lath strips up and 2 pieces of tin. Then it started to rain. I grabbed tools, jumped in the mule and raced to the gate. I opened it and goosed the mule, trying to beat the sheep that were coming off the field. Nope. They were already pouring through the gate. I waved my arms, yelled, and chased them back in. Got tools in the utility room. Hope the rain stops.



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