Baymule’s Farm


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Not having a regular TV (by choice). Yep I agree wholeheartedly. Cow TV is awesome and relaxing. Beautiful Brahma herd 👍. You weren't carrying a bucket by chance we're you?

I'm glad you appear to be of good spirit. I have faith that soon your be the Texas🌪️and back in the saddle again.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Thanks CC. I’ve been a Texas tornado with a practically non functioning knee for years. Getting the muscles and tendons to stretch and work again is torturous but I’ll get there. I think I got every bit of use out of that old knee. Buying the farm, rehabbing the mobile home, building fence, moving, got the last bit of anything that old knee had. I was getting down, it wouldn’t have lasted much longer. I’ll use the winter for therapy and be able to take off again come spring.


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Thanks CC. I’ve been a Texas tornado with a practically non functioning knee for years. Getting the muscles and tendons to stretch and work again is torturous but I’ll get there. I think I got every bit of use out of that old knee. Buying the farm, rehabbing the mobile home, building fence, moving, got the last bit of anything that old knee had. I was getting down, it wouldn’t have lasted much longer. I’ll use the winter for therapy and be able to take off again come spring.
I have faith you will, probably 🌪️🌪️ 🤣

Got to watch a little of someone else's Cow TV, I believe these are mainly beef masters.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
This morning Chris closed off the driveway and let the ewes on the yard around the house. The front yard is fenced, that is now where Cooper the ram lives. The rest of the yard is for parking and pulling trailers through. Son was going to mow for me, but he was here 3 days before he left on another job and his lawn mower wouldn’t start. So sheep it is!

It was a beautiful day, I sat outside on my Walker and enjoyed being outside. The ewes came up to be petted. Aren’t they sweet!


I finally got tired, went in and fixed lunch. I sat down, feet up, ice pack on knee, finished eating and heard CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! I went outside to see the ewes beating up the underskirting on the mobile home. NOOOOO!!!!!


I pushed them away with my walker. Went back in, got leg propped up, ice pack on, CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! They were scratching their heads on the underskirting. NO! BAD SHEEP! I pushed their fat butts away with the walker. What happened to y’all being afraid of the walker and running from it!


Rinse repeat. This wasn’t getting me anywhere. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!


I squirted them with the water hose. They ran! I won! But, no o didn’t. As soon as I sat down, put leg up and ice pack, the stinkers just came right back. It was shady, cool, and I thoughtfully provided a nice scratching place. Sigh…… I put them back in their pasture.

Knee hurts from sitting outside with knee bent in normal sitting position. But I sure had a nice day.

Here is a picture of one month old Uno. Domingo the tree cutter wants him. He’s coming Tuesday to look at yet another dead tree at corner of front yard and driveway that needs to come down. I’ll wean Uno at 3 months, leave him next to mom so it isn’t as traumatic. I’ll spend time with him, give him animal crackers and socialize him for a month. Domingo has a mean ram now, dangerous to him and his children. I showed him a picture of my then 4 year old granddaughter hugging on Ringo, my ram. Ringo passes his attitude to his offspring and Domingo has been waiting on a ram. Uno is already showing a straight back, long loin, blocky body. He’s going to make a fine flock sire, and not be trying to kill everybody.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I will not tolerate a mean animal of any sort. They are here for my enjoyment, not to half kill me. I had a Black Head Dorper ram that was mean. Changed his name to Ramburger and he was quite tasty. That’s how I found out Black Head Dorpers are psychotic wackos with a death wish on everybody. It made driving 1500 miles round trip to go get Ringo, Katahdin ram, with my dear BJ griping ALL the way there an extremely wise decision. Once BJ met Ringo, he understood why I wanted him so bad.

Rams are dangerous. They can and will break bones. I now have 2 rams. Cooper is no Ringo, but he is not mean. The Katahdin breed seems to have calmer rams, but there are some bad ones out there. I won’t use a bad ram, those attitudes are inherent and I won’t have that in my flock.

This is Ringo and my then 4 year old granddaughter. She is 6 now.


This is Snip, Ringo’s son. He was sold to a family with 3 small children. He has grown into a big, powerful ram, but has never shown the slightest aggression towards the children. Always adult supervised, because he is, after all, a ram and they are small children. Not mean! For me, that’s worth a lot.


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