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- #31
Garden Master
Did her pasted home have sheep? If not you can't blame her. Like everything it will take time and hard work. Have you had the puppy in with them yet?
Paris's previous home was 3 acres with free range chickens, they left her unsupervised all day while they were at work

Trip is one year old now and a 104 pound playful idiot.

Today I got a small enclosure made for the sheep. I was worried about them at night, they stayed up close to the road. There is a ranch across the road from us with cattle and we can hear the coyotes howling at night. So tonight they are closed up, closer to the house and not on an outside fence. Paris is still on a chain, on the outside of the small enclosure, but still in the pasture. I thought I would turn her loose in the pasture, but on my 10:30 check last night, (in the dark, I didn't take a flashlight) when i got to the gate, I stepped off in a hole that was knee deep to me. Paris had tried to dig out, but the chain kept her from escaping. She really does not like change, and this is a big change. Did I mention that she is a bit physco?

This morning, i had to fill the hole, ever notice that you NEVER find all that dirt? Does it vaporize? Do Aliens suck it up into the stratosphere? I laid a sheet of plywood under the gate and half of another sheet, it's a 12' gate. I put her in the old chicken coop while i worked on the enclosure and put her back in the pasture after I fed the sheep and closed them up for the night. I'll go check on her later tonight. She is chained to a post that is part of the enclosure fence, so she is right up against the sheep. I have petted her and told her the sheep are hers to take care of, all day. We walked around the pasture again, she peed and marked it as her territory several times. Maybe she'll be nice and share it with the sheep.