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- #171
Garden Master
Well, I have picked over 220 yellow squash!
We took squash and eggs to town several times and sold it. We gave squash to the neighbors. I gave squash to the chickens. I gave squash to the sheep. We ate squash. We ate squash bread and squash fritters. The freezer has LOTS of squash. I have been squashed. 
I picked one, count it, one zucchini. One. I picked 2 yellow patty pan squash. I might get more of both. On that same day, I picked a handful of butterbeans and a decent bundle of purple hull peas, neither of which were enough for a meal. I got a few of the long green beans that I love to grow and my DH loves to eat. I made soup! with lots of yellow squash LOL I got 9 pints that will be delicious this winter.
I planted Painted Mountain corn for cornmeal and it was picked at 72 days. The corn worms got in it, rabbits attacked and horses reached over the fence snatching every stalk they could get. The soil is poor and will take a LOT more work. I did get a few really nice ears, 7" long and full of beautiful kernels. But most were stubby, wizened, worm damaged, pitiful little things. But at least I got enough for seed AND to make some cornmeal!!
The green beans and butterbeans are just coming on. They will produce like crazy until a hard killing frost. I planted purple hull peas, most didn't come up, but the few that did are making peas now. I am getting seed first, then I'll try to put some in the freezer. I planted calico peas, they are spreading out like they want to take over the world and are covered in blooms. Looks like I will get a good harvest from them.
Tomatoes! I have lots of tomatoes!
I have dehydrated two batches and have more to go in the dehydrator tomorrow. I have more to pick tomorrow and will can all I get. I am so excited to actually be picking veggies in the garden. Last year was a big zero and even though there are utter failures out there, the successes are fantastic.
I planted Crenshaw melons. They came up and that was about all. Then for some reason known only to the plants, they started to grow. They are spreading out and blooming. If I get even one melon, I'll be over the moon!
It is hot and miserable. My Texas Snow is a fine powder that POOFS up in clouds at the slightest stir. Even the weeds, the Poor Joe weeds (thanks for the I.D. @digitS' ) are crunchy to step on. The yellow squash vines are dying, yet green and blooming at the tips of the vines. I still pick several squash every few days. I go out early in the morning to pick and pull the worst weeds. I water in the late evenings. I found out that if I watered in the morning, one drop of water on a tomato was enough to concentrate the sun rays and scald the tomato, making it rot.
And did I mention that it is HOT?

I picked one, count it, one zucchini. One. I picked 2 yellow patty pan squash. I might get more of both. On that same day, I picked a handful of butterbeans and a decent bundle of purple hull peas, neither of which were enough for a meal. I got a few of the long green beans that I love to grow and my DH loves to eat. I made soup! with lots of yellow squash LOL I got 9 pints that will be delicious this winter.
I planted Painted Mountain corn for cornmeal and it was picked at 72 days. The corn worms got in it, rabbits attacked and horses reached over the fence snatching every stalk they could get. The soil is poor and will take a LOT more work. I did get a few really nice ears, 7" long and full of beautiful kernels. But most were stubby, wizened, worm damaged, pitiful little things. But at least I got enough for seed AND to make some cornmeal!!

The green beans and butterbeans are just coming on. They will produce like crazy until a hard killing frost. I planted purple hull peas, most didn't come up, but the few that did are making peas now. I am getting seed first, then I'll try to put some in the freezer. I planted calico peas, they are spreading out like they want to take over the world and are covered in blooms. Looks like I will get a good harvest from them.
Tomatoes! I have lots of tomatoes!

I planted Crenshaw melons. They came up and that was about all. Then for some reason known only to the plants, they started to grow. They are spreading out and blooming. If I get even one melon, I'll be over the moon!
It is hot and miserable. My Texas Snow is a fine powder that POOFS up in clouds at the slightest stir. Even the weeds, the Poor Joe weeds (thanks for the I.D. @digitS' ) are crunchy to step on. The yellow squash vines are dying, yet green and blooming at the tips of the vines. I still pick several squash every few days. I go out early in the morning to pick and pull the worst weeds. I water in the late evenings. I found out that if I watered in the morning, one drop of water on a tomato was enough to concentrate the sun rays and scald the tomato, making it rot.